Configuration Review module of Score My Team provides incentive for your team to perform configuration reviews by granting them points for processing reviews and subtracting points for failing reviews.
Configuration Review provides a workflow for reviewing configurations. Each configuration type can have its own review cycle, such as Once, Quarterly, Annually, etc. Someone reviews each configuration other than the author or last updater of the configuration, typically by a peer. The reviewer is responsible for properly validating the information in the configuration and then either sends the configuration for approval or rejects the configuration due to incomplete or inaccurate data.
A Configuration Approver is responsible for approving or rejecting a configuration that has been successfully reviewed by a Configuration Reviewer.Configuration Reviewers receive points when they pass a configuration for approval and receive negative points if the approval is rejected. Configuration Approvers receive points for approving a configuration. Authors of configurations receive positive or negative points if the configuration passes review or is rejected.
How It Works
How It Works
- Configuration Reviewers are responsible for validating a configuration. A Configuration Reviewer is not able to review a configuration he/she authored or updated. The reviewer is responsible for properly validating the information in the configuration. The reviewer can than either sends the configuration for approval or reject the configuration due to incomplete or inaccurate data.
- A Configuration Approver is responsible for approving or rejecting a configuration that has been successfully reviewed by a Configuration Reviewer.
- Configuration Reviewers receive points when they pass a configuration for approval and receive negative points if the approval is rejected. Configuration Approvers receive points for approving a configuration. Authors of configurations receive positive or negative points if the configuration passes review or is rejected.
- The Configuration Review page contains 3 Queues Review Queue, Corrections Queue and Approval Queue. Your queues will be initially blank and you will need to click on the “Request New Configuration to Review” button to request a configuration for review.
- A split-frame window is presented in order to review and edit the configuration. The upper frame is Configuration Review and the lower frame is your PSA Configuration page. The lower frame may request you authenticate to your PSA instance when initially launched.The split-frame containing the Configuration will allow you to view, edit and save Configuration information.
- When a Configuration is forwarded, either passed the review process or was rejected, an instant message will be delivered to the individuals now responsible for processing the Configuration.
- Configuration Review scores for past time periods are viewable by anyone in your system and you can always see your own Configuration Reviews scores. For the current scoring Time Period however, other’s Configuration Review scores will been hidden and the scores will not be ranked but Management can see all scores, at all times.
- Configuration Review can automatically shut off during business hours when there is too many pending service or monitoring tickets. Your Nilear Administrator can set these thresholds to ensure employees are focused on tickets during busy times (Thresholds are set under Account Settings -> Configuration Requirements).
Documentation & Support
Documentation & Support
Below are resources to help you get the most out of your Nilear subscription. If you cannot find the information you looking for within the resources below, please feel free to submit a query to our forum or contact us directly to resolve your issue.
Download the Configurations PowerPoint Slides for an explanation on how to maximize your score.
The following is a quick overview of Configuration Review point allocation.
- If the Configuration passed the review process:
- The Creator and Last Updater each receive 1 Point
- If the Creator and Last Updater are the same person then 2 Points are granted
- Points are given to the Reviewer based on the following scale:
- First Review of the Work Day +10
- Second Review of the Work Day +8
- Third Review of the Work Day +6
- Fourth Review of the Work Day +4
- Fifth Review of the Work Day +2
- Over Fifth Review of the Work Day +1 per Review
- Non Work Day Review +1 per Review
- If the Configuration failed the review process
- Your Reviewer receives no Points for rejecting a Configuration
- The Creator and Last Updater each receive -2 Points
- If the Creator and Last Updater are the same person the -4 Points are applied
- If the Configuration failed the review process, it is returned to the Creator and/or Updater to correct
- The person who corrects the Configuration receives 2 Points
- The Final Configuration Approver reviews the Configuration and the reviewer’s validation notes
- The approver receives 2 Points
- The approver receives 4 Points
- The original reviewer receives -20 Points