Peer Review is a Score My Team module that awards points to technical engineers based on peer and management reviews posted using instant messaging. This gives employees constant and daily feedback on how well they are doing and where improvement may be needed it also allows management to view the team’s dynamic.
Using Microsoft Teams, an employee can post a positive or negative review of another employee privately or publicly. The reviewer can then receive points for giving a review, while the reviewed employee can receive positive or negative points, depending on the type of review received. Reviews are rated/scored on a scale of 1 to 4 stars with 1 star being a “Bad Review” and 4 star being an “Excellent Review”.
All reviews posted by employees are posted anonymously. Only management can see the review's author. All reviews posted by management are made know to everyone and are not anonymous. Reviews can be posted privately or publicly. Private reviews posted by employees are only readable by Management. Private reviews posted by management are only readable by management and the person reviewed. Public reviews are readable by anyone.
Peer Review Scores for the current time period will are blind so that only the engineer knows their own score. Management will still be able to view all scores at all times. Also, Peer Review Points are not awarded to the reviewer on non-working days. These settings allow reviews to stay focused on meaningful feedback and improvement needs rather than engineers consciously or subconsciously changing a review based on another engineer’s current standing
How It Works
How It Works
Reviews are rated on a scale of 1 to 4 stars. Negative Reviews are one-star reviews which are “Bad Reviews” and two-star reviews considered “Poor Reviews”. Positive Reviews are three and four star reviews which are considered “Good” and “Excellent” respectively.
The Reviewed receives points based on Stars; Points received by Management are doubled.
- 1 Star “Bad Review” =-4 Points (peer) -8 Points (Mgmt.)
- 2 Stars “Poor Review” =-2 Points (peer) -4 Points (Mgmt.)
- 3 Stars “Good Review” = +2 Points (peer) +4 Points (Mgmt.)
- 4 Stars “Excellent Review”= +4 Points (peer) +8 Points (Mgmt.)
Points are also rewarded for entering new reviews however you are not penalized for not submitting a review. Also there is no review deadline and no minimum number of people you have to review as reviews should come naturally during the course of the day providing consistent and meaningful feedback. Points are also allocated when a review is like. Reviewers are awarded points on the following scale:
- 2 Points – Your First Review of the Day
- 1 Point – Your First 3-Star Public Review of the Day
- 1 Point – Your First 4-Star Public Review of the Day
- 0 Points – Third Review of the Day and Second 3-Star Public Review of the Day
- 0 Points – Non Work Day Review
The Reviewer is always anonymous unless the Reviewer is Management. The star rating and who was reviewed is always public. A Public Review indicates the text of the review is made available to everyone and a Private Review indicates the review text is hidden. A Private Review by Management can be read by the Reviewed and Management can always see all review information. Having the reviewer remain anonymous is important to the honesty of the reviews. In order to maintain anonymity reviews are posted to “go live” randomly, hours after the initial posting however Management Reviews go live instantly. Also for the current scoring time period, technicians can see their own Peer Review Score but others’ scores are hidden, except for Management, ensuring reviews stay focused on meaningful feedback and improvement needs rather than engineers consciously or subconsciously changing a review based on another engineer’s current standing
Documentation & Support
Documentation & Support
Below are resources to help you get the most out of your Nilear subscription. If you cannot find the information you looking for within the resources below, please feel free to submit a query to our forum or contact us directly to resolve your issue.
Download the Peer Review PowerPoint Slides for a complete explanation on how to post reviews and receive points. PeerReview
Below is a quick overview of the Peer Review Module and scoring.
- Reviews are rated on a scale of 1 to 4 stars and there is no review deadline. Management reviews are doubled.
- 1 Star “Bad Review” =-4 Points (peer) -8 Points (Mgmt.)
- 2 Stars “Poor Review” =-2 Points (peer) -4 Points (Mgmt.)
- 3 Stars “Good Review” = +2 Points (peer) +4 Points (Mgmt.)
- 4 Stars “Excellent Review”= +4 Points (peer) +8 Points (Mgmt.)
- You receive points for entering a review but you are not penalized for not submitting a review.
- 2 Points – Your First Review of the Day
- 1 Point – Your First 3-Star Public Review of the Day
- 1 Point – Your First 4-Star Public Review of the Day
- 0 Points – Third Review of the Day and Second 3-Star Public Review of the Day
- 0 Points – Non Work Day Review
- There is no minimum number of people you have to review
- Reviews are anonymous and posted to “go live” randomly, hours after the initial posting to keep anonymity however, Management Reviews go live instantly.
- For the current scoring time period, you can see your own Peer Review Score but others’ scores are hidden, except for Management
- Peer Reviews should be sent in real time, Don’t wait until later to review someone who has just helped you (or not helped you)
- Reviews should come naturally during the course of the day
- When a Review is posted in IM it will contain information you can use to like the review.
- You cannot Like a review you posted but you can Like a review posted about you
- When a Like is posted:
- The Reviewer receives a point
- The Reviewed receives a point
- The Liker receives a point for their first Like of a work day